Transparent Utah Database Table Schema

Last Revised: March 25th, 2024

Last Reviewed: March 25th, 2024

The research partition of the Transparent Utah database (`ut-sao-transparency-prod.transaction.transaction`) has a few extra fields than the transparency reports submitted by local governments. Our office will standardize the entity name column, and add the government level, and batch/report id to each transaction. Below is the schema for the transaction table in the research dataset. Please contact Alex Nielson ( or Kramer McCausland ( if you have questions about a given field.

Transaction Table

Field Description Type Required Restrictions Example
record_num The unique record number for each transaction (often times a row number) TEXT Yes R120
fiscal_year The fiscal year associated with the transaction INTEGER Yes Between 2009-Current FY 2024
entity_name The name of the local government or entity submitting the report. STRING Yes Salt Lake City
fund1 This is the top level in the fund hierarchy. A fund is a series of self-balancing accounts and may match the funds shown in your financial statements STRING Yes Capital Projects Fund
fund2 Second level in the fund heirarchy STRING No Transportation
fund3 Third level in the fund heirarchy STRING No Streets & Roads
fund4 Fourth level in the fund heirarchy STRING Yes Historic Main Street
org1 This is the top level in the organization hierarchy. It would typically be the next level down from the Entity. STRING Yes County Clerk
org2 This is the second level in the organization hierarchy. STRING No Elections
org3 This is the third level in the organization hierarchy. STRING No Voter Services
org4 This is the fourth level in the organization hierarchy. STRING No Poll Workers
org5 This is the Fifth level in the organization hierarchy. STRING No
org6 This is the sixth level in the organization hierarchy. STRING No
org7 This is the seventh level in the organization hierarchy. STRING No
org8 This is the eighth level in the organization hierarchy. STRING No
org9 This is the nineth level in the organization hierarchy. STRING No
org10 This is the tenth level in the organization hierarchy. STRING No
type Defines the type of monies being reported and entered as capital letters. STRING Yes Expenditures = EX, Compensation = PY, Revenue = RV RV
cat1 This is the top level in the category hierarchy. It further defines the transaction type.. STRING Yes Revenue
cat2 This is the second level in the category hierarchy. STRING No Taxes
cat3 This is the third level in the category hierarchy. STRING No Sales and Use Tax
cat4 This is the fourth level in the category hierarchy. STRING No Alcoholic Beverage Tax
cat5 This is the fifth level in the category hierarchy. STRING No
cat6 This is the sixth level in the category hierarchy. STRING No
cat7 This is the seventh level in the category hierarchy. STRING No
vendor_name If type="EX" then treat as the vendor name. If type = "RV" then treat as payer. If type = "PY" then treat as employee name. STRING Yes Office Max
dba_name "Doing Business As" name STRING No Example Company Inc.
vendor_code Vendor ID code is used by the website to properly summarize transactions. STRING Yes, if name is "Not Provided" or Redacted. This allows the database to summarize transactions by unique vendor Example Company Inc.
posting_date The date the financial transaction was posted to the entity’s general ledger DATE Yes mm/dd/yyy 07/01/2024
description Used to further describe the transaction. Do not include private information. We recommend using the lowest category name if actual description contains private information. STRING Yes least 2 characters in length Alcoholic Beverage Tax Revenue
id The tranaction ID from the entity’s general ledger system. Must be unique. If you do not have a general ledger, then this can be the row number. STRING Yes RV186jBidk39
ref_id If transactions are related to each other (reversals, corrections, etc.) this ID connects them. If populated, there should also be a record with this field as the Transaction ID. STRING No RV186jBidk39
contract_name The contract name STRING if record is for a payment on a contract
contract_number The contract number STRING if record is for a payment on a contract
title The employee's position or job title STRING No (only for compensation report)
hourly_rate The employee's hourly rate. 0 if salaried NUMERIC No (only for compensation report) two decimal places
gender The employee's gender STRING No (only for compensation report) Must be a 1-2 character value. M=Male, F=Female, TW=Trans Man, TW=Trans Woman, NB=Non-Binary or O=Other
amount The money amount associated with the transaction. Positive unless it is a reversal. NUMERIC No (only for compensation report) Two decimal places. No commas or dollar sign. 123.45
masked Should the Revenue/Expense's Vendor Name be protected? NOTE: We request that if a name is protected you put the value "REDACTED" in the vendor name instead of relying on this column for hiding the protected information. TEXT No "P" if protected, null otherwise P
account_number Coding block per Uniform Chart of Accounts from the Office of the Utah State Auditor for local entities OR coding block per Utah State Office Education ("USOE") chart of accounts for school districts and charter schools. Numbers separated by dashes ("-"). TEXT Yes 123-123456-12345678
program1 USBE chart of Account Program level 1 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING Yes, if Local Education Agency
program2 USBE chart of Account Program level 2 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
program3 USBE chart of Account Program level 3 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
program4 USBE chart of Account Program level 4 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
program5 USBE chart of Account Program level 5 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
program6 USBE chart of Account Program level 6 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
program7 USBE chart of Account Program level 7 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
function1 USBE chart of Account Function level 1 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING Yes, if Local Education Agency
function2 USBE chart of Account Function level 2 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
function3 USBE chart of Account Function level 3 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
function4 USBE chart of Account Function level 4 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
function5 USBE chart of Account Function level 5 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
function6 USBE chart of Account Function level 6 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
function7 USBE chart of Account Function level 7 code and description for public education entities. Can also be used by other local entities. STRING No
govt_lvl The entity's government type/level. For example, City, County, District, etc. STRING
batch_id The associated transparency report id for the transaction. STRING No