State of Utah

Revenue & Expenditure

Welcome! This tool represents all Revenues and Expenditures for which the state is financially accountable. This tool was built using the gold standard of financial reporting: Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFRs) meticulously audited by the Office of the Utah State Auditor.

Explore this resource to uncover trends and gain a clear understanding of how revenue and expenditure have changed over time. Our goal is to provide tools that create a transparent access to information and enable a well-informed discussion about about the State of Utah's finances.

Section 1: The Full Picture

This section focuses on four major categories of Utah's financial picture:

Subsection A: Revenue and Additions

Watch Utah's Revenues and Additions change over the last 20 fiscal years. You can drag the slider to pause and view a specific year's revenue totals. To resume the animation click the "Start" button or "Restart" to begin from FY 2005.


State of Utah Revenue & Additions - Stacked Bar Chart

This stacked bar chart provides a powerful way to understand the sources and composition of State of Utah government revenue and additions over time. Instead of just showing total revenue and additions, it breaks down where that money comes from, allowing you to see how different funding sources contribute to the State's overall financial picture.

Each year is represented by a single, tall bar. Within that bar, different sections (or stacks) represent various revenue categories. The height of each section corresponds to the proportion of revenue derived from that specific source. This visual stacking helps you quickly grasp both total revenue and the relative importance of each revenue stream. Hover your mouse (or tap your finger on mobile) on a bar to get additional details.

Tip: The default view includes all revenue categories, but you can use the filters below to examine specific revenue categories of interest. This is especially helpful for smaller revenue categories. Negative values will stack below the 0 line on X-axis.

Select Financial Statement:
Select Level(s):
Select Fiscal Year(s)

Revenues & Additions - Highlight Table

To help understand each Revenue categories amount relative to other governmental revenue sources, we will use a Highlight Table to indicate High/Low Revenue using a color gradient.

Revenue & Additions Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Change in Revenue & Additions from Prior Fiscal Year Heat Map Table

To help understand how revenues and additions have changed year to year, we use the following Heat Table to indicate High/Low change using a diverging color gradient.

Revenue & Additions Change Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Subsection B: Expenditure and Deductions

Watch Utah's Expenditure and Deductions change over the last 20 fiscal years. You can drag the slider to pause and view a specific year's expenditure totals. To resume the animation click the "Start" button or "Restart" to begin from FY 2005.


State of Utah Expenditure - Stacked Bar Chart

This stacked bar chart provides a powerful way to understand composition of State of Utah government expenditure and deductions over time. Instead of just showing total expenditure, it breaks down where that money went.

Each year is represented by a single, tall bar. Within that bar, different sections (or stacks) represent various expenditure or deduction categories. The height of each section corresponds to the proportion of expenditure derived from that specific source. This visual stacking helps you quickly grasp both total expenditure and the relative importance of each spending category. Hover your mouse (or tap your finger on mobile) on a bar to get additional details.

Tip: The default view includes all categories, but you can use the filters below to examine specific categories of interest. This is especially helpful for smaller expenditure categories. Negative values will stack below the 0 line on X-axis.

Select Financial Statement:
Select Level(s):
Select Fiscal Year(s)

Expenditure & Deductions Category Highlight Table

Expenditure & Deductions Legend:
To help understand each Expenditure or Deduction categories' amount relative to other government expenses, we will use a Highlight Table to indicate High/Low Revenue using a color gradient.

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Change in Expenditure from Prior Fiscal Year Highlight Table

To help understand how expenditures have fluctated over time, we us the following Heat Table to indicate High/Low change in expenditure using a color gradient.

Expenditure & Deductions Change Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Section 2: Governmental Funds

Governmental Funds: Governmental Funds are used to account for the State's basic services. They focus on measuring current financial resources and balances available for spending in the near future.

Subsection A: Governmental Revenue

Watch Utah's Revenues and Additions change over the last 20 fiscal years. You can drag the slider to pause and view a specific year's revenue totals. To resume the animation click the "Start" button or "Restart" to begin from FY 2005.


Governmental Revenue - Stacked Bar Chart

Another way we can visualize governmental revenues is by grouping each revenue category for each all fiscal year. Each Bar represents revenue, and by stacking them we can easily see total revenue as well as relative proportion of total revenue for each revenue category. Hover your mouse (or tap your finger on mobile) on a bar to get additional details.

Tip: The default view includes all revenue categories, but you can use the filters below to examine specific revenue categories of interest. This is especially helpful for smaller revenue categories.

Select Line Item(s):
Select Fiscal Year(s)

Revenues - Highlight Table

To help understand each Revenue categories amount relative to other governmental revenue sources, we will use a Highlight Table to indicate High/Low Revenue using a color gradient.

Revenue Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Change in Revenue from Prior Fiscal Year Heat Map Table

To help understand how revenues have changed year to year, we use the following Heat Table to indicate High/Low change using a diverging color gradient.

Revenue Change Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Subsection B: Expenditure

Watch Utah's Expenditure change over the last 20 fiscal years. You can drag the slider to pause and view a specific year's expenditure totals. To resume the animation click the "Start" button or "Restart" to begin from FY 2005.


Governmental Expenditure - Stacked Bar Chart

Another way we can visualize governmental expenditures is by grouping each expenditure category for each all fiscal year. Each Bar represents expenditure, and by stacking them we can easily see total expenditure as well as relative proportion of total expenditure for each expenditure category. Hover your mouse (or tap your finger on mobile) on a bar to get additional details.

Tip: The default view includes all expenditure categories, but you can use the filters below to examine specific expenditure categories of interest. This is especially helpful for smaller expenditure categories.

Select Line Item(s):
Select Fiscal Year(s)

Expenditure Category Highlight Table

Expenditure Legend:
To help understand each Expenditure categories' amount relative to other government expenses, we will use a Highlight Table to indicate High/Low Revenue using a color gradient.

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Change in Expenditure from Prior Fiscal Year Highlight Table

To help understand how expenditures have fluctated over time, we us the following Heat Table to indicate High/Low change in expenditure using a color gradient.

Expenditure Change Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Section 3: Enterprise Funds

Enterprise Funds: Enterprise Funds account for activities that provide goods or services primarily to parties external to the State propernment, charging fees to cover costs.

Subsection A: Operating and Nonoperating Revenue

Enterprise Operating and Nonoperating Revenues- Highlight Table

To help understand each Revenue categories amount relative to other revenue sources, we will use a Highlight Table to indicate High/Low Revenue using a color gradient.

Operating and Nonoperating Revenues Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Change in Enterprise Operating and Nonoperating Revenues from Prior Fiscal Year Heat Map Table

To help understand how revenues have changed year to year, we use the following Heat Table to indicate High/Low change using a diverging color gradient.

Revenue Change Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Subsection B: Operating and Nonoperating Expenditure

Operating and Nonoperating Expenditure Category Highlight Table

Operating and Nonoperating Expenditure Legend:
To help understand each Expenditure or Deduction categories' amount relative to other propernment expenses, we will use a Highlight Table to indicate High/Low Revenue using a color gradient.

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Change in Enterprise Funds Operating and Nonoperating Expenditure from Prior Fiscal Year Highlight Table

To help understand how expenditures have fluctated over time, we us the following Heat Table to indicate High/Low change in expenditure using a color gradient.

Operating and Nonoperating Expenditure Change Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Section 4: Fiduciary Funds

Subsection A: Additions

Watch Utah's Additions change over the last 20 fiscal years. You can drag the slider to pause and view a specific year's Additions totals. To resume the animation click the "Start" button or "Restart" to begin from FY 2005.


Change in Additions from Prior Fiscal Year Heat Map Table

To help understand how additionss and additions have changed year to year, we use the following Heat Table to indicate High/Low change using a diverging color gradient.

Additions Change Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Subsection B: Deductions

Watch Utah's Fiduciary Deductions change over the last 20 fiscal years. You can drag the slider to pause and view a specific year's deductions totals. To resume the animation click the "Start" button or "Restart" to begin from FY 2005.


Change in Deductions from Prior Fiscal Year Highlight Table

To help understand how deductions have fluctated over time, we us the following Heat Table to indicate High/Low change in deductions using a color gradient.

Deductions Change Legend:

The highlight table does not work well on small screens. Please turn your device sideways or use a larger screen to see the colors.

Section 5: Component Unit Funds

This section focuses on Utah's Component Units.

  • Component Units are legally separate organizations for which the primary compernment is financially accountable.
  • Sources

    Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports:

    We utilizied data found in the "Statement of Activities" and the "Detail Schedule of Expenditures – Budget and Actual" financial statements.